Monday, January 16, 2012

Crazy Required

I remember back when I was a teenager stepping out onto the stage for the final round of National Fine Arts Competition for short sermon. It was a moment filled with a lot of interesting and conflicting emotions. I was excited that I had beaten out thousands of students across the country (a little prideful I must admit), but also to be truthful scared out of my wits. One false step or tangled word and I would lose. Now that's some pressure.

That kind of pressure though was nothing when compared to stepping out for God. I'm not just talking about sharing Christ with someone although that is intimidating, but what about when God tells you to pray for someone to be healed, delivered, or set free? What happens when God puts you on that front line and tells you to do something that will make you feel crazy and silly. It doesn't make sense in the natural at all. Many times we simply discard the Holy Spirit's prompting in these areas out of fear and pressure. We don't want to stand out, we don't want to fail. What if they aren't healed? What if they aren't delivered? What if their parents don't get back together? Here I am stepping out for God and all the what if's are swirling around me.

That's why you have to be a little crazy to truly follow God. Craziness is a requirement, it just is. You can't flow in the power that the Holy Spirit can give you without being willing to look like a fool and putting yourself out on the edge. Why do you think so many Christians simply don't do it, because it's hard. The Bible is chocked full of examples of people who were just a little unstable for God as I like to say. The results? Incredible miracles performed, lives changed, people healed, raised from the dead, and set free. The results of normal: nothing. The choice is yours, be acceptable to the world and do little, or have a little crazy in you and risk doing something incredible.

Your challenge today? Begin to ask the Holy Spirit to put people in your path who need God to do a miracle, and that he would prompt you to step out and put yourself on the line to pray or supply that miracle. BE CRAZY!

Here's your group question: What's preventing YOU from being a little Crazy?

1 comment:

  1. I think were scared of how others will react and we dont want people to laugh or think were weird especially our friends. I know for me when Im at school theres always a point where I feel like the Holy Spirit is telling me to do something but I dont always do it because Im scared of what other people will think of me. I wish I wasnt so worried about what people thought of me but its hard not to.
