Thursday, January 5, 2012

Be Deaf This Week

In football there's an old saying when a player would drop a pass, "well, he heard the footsteps". This simply meant that the player could sense or hear the defensive player barreling down on him and got scared of getting hit so he lost concentration and dropped the ball. The great players never hear the footsteps, but always concentrate on the task at hand.

We as Christians should be the exact same way. It's time to forget about the footsteps of this world and begin to step out in faith and be the follower of Christ that he has called us to be. It's ok to be a little scared when you step out, that's natural, but focus, determination, and guts will allow you to overcome that fear and see God do incredible things. Be deaf to the footsteps and you can be what God has destined you to be.

I challenge you today to begin to pray for a specific person that you could share Christ's story with, invite to church, and make a difference in their lives. Your job won't end in prayer, but just begin.

Here's also your group question:

Which part of the basic instruction do you think is the hardest and why?
a. Proclaim Christ's Story
b. Proclaim that we can find forgiveness because of that story
c. Proclaim that we can turn away from our current lifestyle because of that story
d. Proclaim it to everybody everywhere

Leave a comment below discussing it!


  1. I have always thought that most people were at least somewhat familiar with the story of Christ because there are churches and youth groups like ours that give blessings like touch of Christmas and the harvest festival. But I realized that as great as those blessings are, they don't always teach people the story that can save their lives. We give to others because God gave his son to us, but sometimes that message doesn't come with our gifts as they are supposed to.

  2. I think its harder to tell Christs story too because you never know how people are gonna react to it. They could just laugh at you and say its stupid and who cares or they could really listen to what your saying and be interested. I know were not supposed to be scared of what others will think but we all are scared of whats gonna happen as the result.

  3. So true Ryan, it's hard, but then again if it was easy everybody would do it. Maybe it's supposed to be hard, maybe we're supposed to struggle. Greatness is always birthed out of struggle. To be great you have to look a little crazy right? Keep it up guys! Hope to see more comments!

  4. I think that the hardest ones are A and D.
    I agree with Ryan when he says that you don't know what a person's reaction is going to be and how they are going to treat you afterward.
    Regarding D, I think that it would be hard to tell everyone everywhere. When I think of everywhere, I think of my local area plus the entire world. It seems rather daunting. I know that God will always give us strength to proclaim His Word; but at times, it seems that natural cowardly instinct take over.

  5. The problem that I have is how I should bring up the topic of Christs' story to my friends when I am hanging out with them. Its hard to get a topic started about Christ when I am hanging with my friends either playing sports or just chilling playing video games. What is the best way to strike up a conversation that leads into the life of Christ? That is my biggest struggle in sharing His story.

  6. I agree with Rachel about thinking D could be the hardest because I feel overwhelmed with my life as it is and then to think I should be talking to everyone, everywhere. My goodness! We should though seize every opportunity to speak to others about the story of Christ. It is the only thing that truly matters in the end!
    It's not always easy for the conversation to present itself and bring up this type of conversation about the story of Christ but then again in everyday situations, when I am not too busy focused on me and my happenings, if I truly listen to others, many are hurting, searching for something more, looking for a meaning to this life. So it would be in these times to share the story of Christ to offer the truth to others and hope to a lost world. I don’t have to be afraid that I don’t know all the scriptures about the story but I ought to have confidence that the Lord will give me the words to share. I do know the story of Christ and I don’t have to be fancy in my speech or presentation.

  7. Brandon, that's a real good question man, and one I think most people struggle with to be honest, adults included. I do think it gets easier every time you do it. A lot of times we just have our own mental block and don't think it's a good time because of fear, insecurity, and the like. We're waiting for that perfect moment that's probably not ever going to come, instead you just gotta take a little leap and see what happens.

  8. Proclaiming the story, taking that first step is the hardest part. I heard Joyce Meyers say once, "So what if you're afraid, DO IT AFRAID!"

    Brandon, adults have these issues too. I find that asking, "Do you go to a church?" is a good starter for me. Tune into God, He will tell you what to say. I find that salvation conversations sometimes begin with the most random discussions. God is cool that way!

    I think I find C difficult as well. Many of my friends or family members that have come to know the Lord have a more difficulty turning away from their lifestyles. So many are stuck in their comfort zone. Pray for those seeds that we plant to sink deep into their spiritual soil, so that the enemy cannot come pluck those seeds away!

  9. i'm a little late...but i think A, B and D are extremely hard for me. I think this because it's a change. I don't like getting out of my comfort zone and talking about Christ, especially in school, where i KNOW i'm supposed to tell people and witness.
    I can never know what someone's going to say or what someone's going to think, i mean, not that it bothers me for people to think things about me, but i feel like i'd be a hypocrite,It's a personal thing.

    but yeah, those things are just hard for me to do because of my comfort level and just not being comfortable in my faith yet.
