I don't know if you've spent any time thinking about ships, I know I haven't lol. One thing that I've always found fascinating is a ship's rudder. A rudder is a really small blade attached to the back of the boat, and it literally steers the entire vessel. If you don't look for it, you might not even see it, but it controls everything. Such a small thing, such a huge job.
Now before you check out on me thinking that this is a blog about boats (it most definitely is not, even I would fall asleep writing it), I say all that because I see the devotions in our life as kind of the same thing. Devotion means profound dedication to someone or something. Profound is big, life changing, encompassing. What we are devoted to in this world matters. It defines you, it defines me. The early church had some devotions that defined them as well. In acts 2:42 it says that they were devoted to the apostles teaching, fellowship, breaking bread together, and prayer. Those devotions defined their lives, defined their movement.
What devotions define your life today? What rudder do you have controlling your ship? Are they the right devotions? Take a serious look today at what your truly devoted to, it could just make all the difference in your world.
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