Friday, January 27, 2012

A Tale of Three Perspectives Part II - "The Holy Spirit"

One of the greatest challenges for me concerning the Holy Spirit is to see the personal attributes that he possesses. He is after all God, a part of the trinity and as such he has personality traits and characteristics. I wonder what He must have been thinking as he powerfully descended on the day of Pentecost? I always think of him like one of those friends whose always fine with risking everything, going for the thrills, he's the one that everybody loves cause he's willing to do anything.

I think that the Holy Spirit is kind of the same. Think about Pentecost here; the Holy Spirit comes with a violent sound that doesn't just fill the whole room, but is loud enough for everyone nearby in a packed city to hear. They of course like good people come running to witness the disturbance. The Holy Spirit fills the disciples and then immediately throws them right into the fire. They look out and see a massive crowd has formed wondering what in the world is going on, and some of them even think they are drunk. Not the easiest situation to be put in to tell you the truth.

All of it was the responsibility of the Holy Spirit. That part of the Godhead that puts it on the line, does crazy stuff, and is capable of anything (not to say that God or Jesus aren't like this). From the Spirit's perspective we need to be people on mission. His filling was about an individual experience, but more importantly the birth of a movement.

I challenge you to ask yourself, do I really want to be filled with the Spirit? Do I want it to change everything? The Holy Spirit is going to challenge you, put you in situations that will demand you act against the world's expectations, and step out often times alone. He may even put you in situations where people will mock you. Is that something you want, because you've got to want it to want the Holy Spirit.

Here's your group question: If you were the Holy Spirit how would you have come down and filled the disciples? Have fun with this one guys there really aren't any wrong answers.


  1. I think the loud nosie thing is kinda lame. The Holy Spirit can do and thing so why not like make it cool.I think that he should have painted in the sky like address of the disciples. Then have the Halo theme song playing. Then in like a Morgan Freeman kinda voice yell "GO". Once the village people came to the disciples the holy spirt could have set there heads on fire that was cool but if the holy sprit could have like made one of the disciples glow in the dark.That would be awesome.

  2. lol Katie that was pretty sweet.

  3. If I were the Holy Spirit, I would give all the disciples some Old Spice body spray and when they used it the would get 7 heads and shoot lightning out of their mouths.
